Point of
Care Vet
* Acupuncture for Pets
* Tui-Na Massage
* Medical Adjustment
Veterinary Acupuncture
Veterinary Acupuncture
Most simply stated, acupuncture (acus=needle, punctura=puncture) is the stimulation of specific points on the body with very small, sterile, single use needles. These tiny needles have the ability to affect biochemical and physiological changes not only at the needle site, but also throughout the body. In essence, it brings balance to the body and the nervous system
It is a powerful means of helping the body heal itself. Every animal has an extraordinary capacity to heal itself.
Acupuncture enhances and directs this ability:
It helps modulate pain, helps improve nerve and muscle function, balances the body’s stress, strengthens the immune system, and more.